Life at SISA

It’s a vibrant blend of growth, connections, and diverse experiences. Join a supportive community that nurtures passions and personal development.



At SISA, life transcends the ordinary. It’s a vibrant tapestry woven with diverse experiences, connections, and growth. Beyond the classroom, our campus buzzes with creativity, innovation, and a sense of community. Students find themselves in a dynamic environment that nurtures their passions, encourages exploration, and fosters a holistic approach to education. With a plethora of clubs, events, and initiatives, every day at SISA brings opportunities for personal development and meaningful connections, preparing individuals for a future where they can thrive and lead with confidence.





Summers at SISA herald a unique blend of learning and leisure. While the academic year transitions, our campus pulses with a different energy. Students immerse themselves in a myriad of activities—internships, skill-building workshops, and engaging events. The season becomes a canvas for exploration, where students delve into passions, discover new interests, and take advantage of opportunities for personal and professional growth. The warm months not only offer a break from regular classes but also become a time for students to expand their horizons, building experiences that enrich both their academic journey and future endeavors.



Debating at SISA is a dynamic exchange of ideas, a melting pot of perspectives where students hone their oratory skills and critical thinking. Engaging in lively discussions, students tackle diverse topics, fostering an environment that nurtures eloquence, quick thinking, and the ability to construct compelling arguments. Beyond the thrill of competition, debating at SISA becomes a platform for personal growth, encouraging students to articulate their viewpoints confidently and develop a deeper understanding of various issues, preparing them for the challenges of the world beyond academia.


Self Grooming

Self-grooming at SISA is more than just appearances—it’s about personal development. Students engage in workshops, mentorship programs, and skill-building sessions that go beyond the conventional curriculum. It’s a transformative journey where individuals refine not just their professional skills but also their personal attributes. With a focus on leadership, communication, and emotional intelligence, SISA fosters an environment where students polish their abilities, enhancing their preparedness for the multifaceted demands of the real world.



At SISA, consoling embodies a culture of empathy and support. Students engage in meaningful connections, offering understanding and a comforting presence to their peers. Whether through peer support groups, counseling sessions, or various initiatives, SISA fosters an environment where individuals extend a helping hand, providing comfort and guidance to those navigating challenges. It’s a community where empathy thrives, ensuring that every student feels heard, understood, and supported on their academic and personal journey.